Spring Children’s Activity Pack

This Spring, CourtX is launching a Children’s Activity Pack full of fun activities designed around CourtX and Canoe Lake.

Our activity packs are designed to be suitable for U10s, but there are no age restrictions if you’d like to get involved!

The Activity Packs can be purchased for £3 at the CourtX Reception and Café Fresco.

Inside you’ll find the following activities:

  • Design your own sculpture

  • Create patterns from nature

  • Sensory nature worksheet

  • Craft ideas for home

  • & more.

If you’re not around to pick one up in person, email us at info@courtx.co.uk

Our packs can be used all year round, if you’d like to purchase one for use later in the year.

To create this super fun and special project we have worked with illustrator, Megan Dobbyn.

A lot of the work Megan creates centres around natural habitats and themes with a rooted interest in folklore and storytelling. Megan is inspired by Yorkshires natural environment, as well as magic and imagination playing a key part in bringing her work to life.




Georgia Noble: Artwork on Display


Charlotte Brisland